Featured & Frequently Read Articles
- Can I keep my current mobile phone number when I join Meaningful Planet?
- What network coverage and signal strength does Meaningful Planet have?
- How do I check if I'm free to switch networks?
- How do I find out if I am in or out of contract with my current mobile network provider?
- What about when I want to use my phone abroad, but not in the EU?
- How can I use my phone when abroad or travelling internationally?
Browse All Categories
- Green Projects, Sustainability, & BiodiversityFind out more information about how Meaningful Planet's green projects, and our wider commitment to restoring nature and increasing biodiversity.
- Switching to Us & Keeping Your NumberEverything you need to know about switching to Meaningful Planet.
- Plans & PricingFind our more about our plans, pricing, and promotions.
- Coverage, Speed, & SignalEverything you need to know about our network signal coverage, speeds, and international roaming options.
- Billing & PaymentsInformation about billing and payment options.
- Roaming & InternationalFind out all you need to know about using your Meaningful Planet mobile phone when travelling and on holiday.
- SupportGeneral support articles & FAQs
- OtherAnything else not covered in other categories.
- Voicemail & Other ServicesHow to use key services on your Meaningful Planet contract.